
Button Styles
Button Class Description
Button .mw-button
Primary .mw-button.primary
Secondary .mw-button.secondary
Tertiary .mw-button.tertiary
Button Sizes

Minnow button sizes effect the padding and line-height. They do not alter the font size of the buttons. To change the font sizes use the.font-size-* classes.

Button Class Description
Button .mw-button.micro
Button .mw-button.tiny
Button .mw-button.small
Button .mw-button.medium
Button .mw-button.large
Button .mw-button.xl
Button .mw-button.xxl
Button .mw-button.xxxl
Button .mw-button.huge
Fluid Width Buttons

Use.mw-button.fluid to make the button span the full-width of its container.

Fluid Button